Car plows into crowd at Magdeburg Christmas market
At least two people have died and more than 60 have been injured after a car crash at a Christmas market in Magdeburg, Germany, according to authorities. One man has been arrested.
Von der Leyen expresses condolences after 'brutal and cowardly' attack
European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has expressed her "condolences to the victims" after the "brutal and cowardly" attack on a Christmas market in the German city of Magdeburg on Friday evening.
"My condolences to the family and friends," Von der Leyen wrote on X, thanking the police and rescue services. (dpa,reuters)
Meine Gedanken sind heute bei den Opfern der brutalen und feigen Tat in Magdeburg.
— Ursula von der Leyen (@vonderleyen) December 20, 2024
Mein Beileid gilt den Angehörigen und Freunden, mein Dank der Polizei und den Rettungskräften.
Diese Gewalttat muss aufgeklärt und hart geahndet werden.
Scholz to travel to Magdeburg on Saturday
Chancellor Olaf Scholz will travel to Magdeburg on Saturday, Saxony-Anhalt Prime Minister Reiner Haseloff said.
"The Chancellor will come tomorrow and assess the situation with us and will certainly not only mourn with us, but will also discuss the necessary measures," Haseloff said in Magdeburg in the evening. "And I imagine that, due to the seriousness of this attack, the Federal Attorney General will also take action." (dpa,afp)
Macron says he "shares the pain of the German people"
French President Emmanuel Macron said on Friday that he was "deeply shocked" by the attack that took place at the Magdeburg Christmas market, in which two people died.
Macron, through his X account, said that he "shares the pain of the German people."
Profondément choqué face à l’horreur qui frappe ce soir le marché de Noël de Magdebourg en Allemagne.
— Emmanuel Macron (@EmmanuelMacron) December 20, 2024
Je pense aux victimes, aux blessés ainsi qu’à leurs proches et à leurs familles. La France partage la douleur du peuple allemand et exprime toute sa solidarité.
German police arrest Saudi man suspected of car crash
German police have arrested a Saudi Arabian doctor who they believe drove a car into a Christmas market in Magdeburg on Friday night, killing two people and injuring at least 60, Saxony-Anhalt state Premier Reiner Haseloff told n-tv television.
"We have arrested the perpetrator, a Saudi Arabian man... a doctor who has been in Germany since 2006," Haseloff told reporters from the scene. "From what we know at the moment he was a lone attacker, so we don't think there is any further danger to the city."
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz will visit the scene on Saturday, Haseloff said. (reuters,efe,afp)
Regional government confirms second person dead after hit-and-run in Magdeburg
Olaf Scholz says reports from Magdeburg raise "the worst fears"
In a message on social media platform X, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said the latest news indicated that something bad had happened.
Die Meldungen aus Magdeburg lassen Schlimmes erahnen.
— Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz (@Bundeskanzler) December 20, 2024
Meine Gedanken sind bei den Opfern und ihren Angehörigen. Wir stehen an ihrer Seite und an der Seite der Magdeburgerinnen und Magdeburger. Mein Dank gilt den engagierten Rettungskräften in diesen bangen Stunden.